Ohio Concrete Is THE Concrete Cutting, Drilling And Coring Contractor Near Me
Ohio Concrete is the practical solution for your local concrete problems. Call for a price estimate today.
OCSD Serves All Of Ohio!
When searching for a concrete cutter near me, Ohio Concrete is ready and available. We service the Midwest in 5 States (Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Tennessee, West Virginia). Depending on your jobsite location one of our divisions is most likely nearest you.
Looking for a concrete cutting company near me?
Hopefully when you say Hey Siri, Alexa, or Hey Google or Ok Google that you want to search “concrete drilling or cutting near me”, we are the first choice.
Look no further on the “near me” search than Ohio Concrete Sawing and Drilling. No one else services more territory in Ohio than us. Whether is coring, cutting, sawing, grinding, or breaking, we are the contractor that can get to you quickly with the right equipment.

Coring Seawall
Horizontal Core Drilling
Ohio Concrete’s first job was a simple core hole in a wall over 40 years ago. Prior to the invention of the barrel style core bit, field guys, usually an apprentice would us a star bit and hammer and primitively “jackhammer” a hole.
Today, we have 3 different size electric drills and 2 different size hydraulic drills to drill horizontal holes up to 60” in diameter through walls made of concrete, block, brick or some combination of those substrates. Depending on the size and location, we have the right drill to make that hole. Call us and let us know whether the hole is for conduit or plumbing and what that outer diameter is and we will facilitate the size. We always carry sizes up to 12” on our trucks but we have an assortment that we acquired over the last 40 years of random diameters.
As for depth of the hole most walls are anywhere from 8” to 18” usually, but we do get requests for horizontal holes that need to connect to basins or need to be on a strange angle. We can accommodate just about any request if the space is available. We have drilled holes 200’ deep and we have drill horizontal holes at least 12’. Although vertical is easier since gravity is helping, horizontal can be executing with proper planning and tooling.
So look no further than Ohio Concrete Sawing and Drilling for your horizontal holes through concrete brick, block and stone nearby.
Click HERE for a free online estimate. Let us be your nearby concrete cutter company to call!
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Best Concrete Cutting, Drilling and Removal Service Near Me
When you want the best concrete cutting service, concrete drilling service and concrete removal service near me, the primer contractor to choose is Ohio Concrete Cutting Company, Inc.
If you are searching for concrete cutting near me or concrete cutting contractors near me, get in touch with us now!