Concrete Floor Burnishing / Sealing
Maintenance and Care Plan for your Polished Concrete Floors.

Revive Your Polished Concrete Floors with OUR Burnishing Services
Have your polished concrete floors lost their shine? Concrete burnishing can make them “pop.” Foot traffic has a 400 to 500 grit abrasive impact. This will cause polished floors to dull. Burnishing is a noninvasive process that can be completed in an occupied facility.
Depending on the space and the floor, our team will clean the floor, apply the floor sealer and utilize a floor burnisher to seal the floor.
This process can be completed multiple times per year depending on the floor traffic. It may only be necessary to do it once a year, but it is highly recommended that you do have it completed in order to maintain your polished floor.
In addition, we recommend you clean your polished floors with a neutral cleaner so that you do not damage the polished surface. If you need a recommendation or a source for a polished concrete floor service, please call us.